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Ian Ng

“Blink twice if you need help”. While writing this, Ian has blinked at least a hundred times. Often found clearing the unending backlog of homework, Ian is your completely sane and well-rested hwachong(ian). To escape from his grim reality, he seeks solace in sarcasm, any and all types of humour and the occasional workout. He hopes that all delegates will tuck into the scrumdiddlyumptious topics cooked up by the chairs and fill their tummies with everlasting memories! Bon Appétit!


Jasper Wong

A Year 4 Student in the Humanities Programme, Jasper often finds himself precariously balancing his leisure time against the weight of his ever-growing pile of homework. His passions, other than labouring away for HCMAS, include sleeping, reading Wikipedia, and more sleeping. He hopes all delegates will enjoy the carefully curated selection of topics his exemplary chairs have worked hard on and thereby grow their horizons.

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