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Lee Rui Yi

Rui Yi is a Year 4 student from Hwa Chong Institution. Despite not being particularly good in Science or Math, he is studying in the Science and Math Talent Programme (SMTP). Being in SMTP means he is not only always busy but also has a messed up sleep schedule (he can wake up at 4 without alarms). In his limited free time, he would listen to music and watch Netflix apart from catching up on lost sleep. He wishes for delegates in IPG to not only aim for awards but to also have fun in the process and learn something new from this conference.


Yee Min En

Min En is a Year 3 student from Hwa Chong Institution. Despite being quoted, ad verbatim, “my chinese no good”, he is a student of the Bicultural Studies Programme. When he is not hastily printing scores to remain the Hwa Chong Choir’s Welfare head, he can be seen needlessly philosophising over the realities of modern society. Min En is also an avid debater, able to yap his way out of most situations, obtaining the best delegate through “spamming position papers and running my mouth” (verbatim). Min En hopes that IPG delegates can uphold the historic role of harassing information out of other councils and plunging these other councils into circular debate, as well as being the absolute memelords of HCMAS.

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Li Ruizhe

Ruizhe is a Year 3 student from Hwa Chong Institution. Unlike his fellow chairs, he takes both the Science and Math Talent Programme (SMTP) and the Bicultural Studies Programme (BSP), otherwise known as the SMTP-BSP Dual Track Programme. With Biology as his additional subject, he desperately attempts to reclaim his humorously limited sleep time. Apart from this peculiar choice of subjects, Ruizhe’s CCA is the String Orchestra, and he is an avid fan of Beethoven. Despite being the chair of Press, he has never, in his life, attempted a bench press while lying on a chair. Nonetheless, he hopes delegates will keep the spirit of journalism in their hearts, forge new friendships, and also enjoy the complimentary buffet provided during tea.

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