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Tham Qi Yi, Andrew

Andrew’s sleep schedule is, in a word, complicated. On one hand, the Sec 4 Humanities Student has no trouble at all waking up at 3.00 am to catch the United States Grand Prix (though the disgruntled Tifosi will undoubtedly watch Max Verstappen win), or staying up until 4 to write a study guide through sheer willpower alone. On the other, he seems to have trouble staying awake when learning pretty much anything during Physics class, no matter how early he sleeps the day before, no matter how many teas he downs.


Kim Eng Kian

An overclocked Year 4 Science student, Eng Kian tells himself that he will sleep by 10pm everyday, but always fails to meet this goal. In his 4- year struggle against Higher Chinese, he tells himself that he will get a decent grade this time, unfortunately, this vision has yet to come to fruition. As a first-time chair, Eng Kian hopes that delegates will achieve the goals they have set for themselves in this conference, unlike himself. He hopes that delegates will walk away from this conference, enriched and having fulfilled the targets they have set for themselves, be it aiming high and going for an award, making new friends, learning new things or just having fun.


Lei Yanyang

A responsible and upright Year 4 Humanities student, Yanyang has mastered the art of paraphrasing ChatGPT content. In his almost nonexistent free time, he copes by critiquing historical figures after reading the first two lines of their Wikipedia pages. Yanyang’s favourite historical figures to critique include Enver Hoxha, Henry Kissinger and Leonid Brezhnev, while some of his most advanced vocab include ‘imperialist’, ‘hypocrite’ and ‘lackey’. As a sigma, Yanyang also enjoys daydreaming during Math lessons and sleeping on the MRT. As a first-time chair, Yanyang looks forward to engaging, intellectual, dynamic, thought-provoking, analytical, energetic, constructive, educational, articulate and competitive debate, and hopes that delegates will have a great time.


Chew Cheng-En, Daniel

A Year 2 consortium councillor, debater, tennis player, and of course an occasional MUN delegate, Daniel somehow manages to squeeze out time to watch Golden State Warriors basketball games and play Roblox with friends. As an academic overachiever, Daniel has decided that grinding day and night for grades is suboptimal compared to numerous hours of work to chair his first Hwa Chong Model ASEAN Summit. Daniel holds extremely strong views on United States politics, and believes that both the Democrat and Republican parties are long past hopeless. He sincerely hopes that delegates will not roleplay Congress, so civil, fun, and fruitful discussions can take place.

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