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Wang Fengyi

Fengyi is a Year 4 student who has a wide variety of hobbies; ranging from astrophysics, programming, critiquing movies, photography, drawing, playing the guitar, boxing, history and literature, chinese drama, to listening to Britpop music, such as the Beatles or the Smiths, which he would like to recommend to everyone. While he is not busy rushing his projects from HCMAS and the MOE Humanities Scholarship program, he is often seen grinding for upcoming local Astrophysics competitions at the library or exercising. As director of APSC, he wishes to warmly welcome all delegates to HCMAS APSC and wishes all a fruitful time, stepping in the shoes of diplomats and most importantly, meeting new people and having fun with like-minded delegates.


Jairo Chiang Jun Hong

Jairo is a Year 4 student who is obsessively engrossed in listening to songs by his favourite artists, Alan Walker and BoyWithUke. When he isn’t sleeping, you can find him grinding school work at Bishan Public Library. Low on sleep 24/7 and high on sugar, Jairo is a typical overworked Asian. As a Science Math Talent Programme student and an English DSA student, his passion and love for MUNs remain as bold as it started. As a true crisis delegate, this will be his second non-crisis council, and his first time chairing. Nonetheless, he looks forward to the delegates overcoming the barriers and coming up with creative solutions as part of their declaration.


Tham Harkman

Harkman is a Year 3 student who has spent a bit too much time over the holidays playing Fortnite – and having little results to show for it. As a Humanities Programme student, Harkman is interested in exploring literary works of the existential and absurd. There is nothing he loves more than a good discussion, and he welcomes all delegates to share their opinions and ideas without fear. As someone who takes part in MUNs for the experience of getting to know and interact with one another, Harkman hopes that delegates will be willing to get to know their fellow delegates, as well as the chairs.


Leong Wei Chan

Wei Chan is a Year 4 student who has a distinct hatred towards biology. When he's not busy completing school work, he is indulging in movie marathons. Whether it’s exploring different genres or catching up on the latest releases, he finds immense joy in the world of cinema. As an individual who engages in MUNs for the joy of fostering connections, he hopes delegates would embrace the MUN experience with a similar type of enthusiasm and be bold to speak up during discussions. 

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