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Huo Xi Cheng

Xi Cheng is a Year 4 student from Hwa Chong Institution’s Humanities Programme. He is absolutely overjoyed to be chairing the most interesting, contentious and fun council in all of HCMAS, AMME. His hobbies include sarcasm, using ChatGPT, and orchestrating his string quartets. He hopes all delegates will have an amazing time at HCMAS and enjoy the catered food, as well as the amazing learning opportunities this conference brings.


Wong Sui Rui Rodney

Rodney is an IP student, and entered the MUN circuit last year through this very council. He is overjoyed to have this opportunity to come full circle and hopes to nurture a next generation of MUNners. MUN has given him a unique opportunity to see the world from a whole new perspective, instead of just complaining from the ground to having to find solutions. He hopes that delegates will have a fun and engaging conference while doing the same. Outside of MUN, his interests include Chinese Literature, Songwriting and Singing. With dreams to forge a career in music, he hopes to be the change he wants to see.


Kuah Rui Yi

Rui Yi is a Year 3 student from Hwa Chong Institution. As a Science and Math -Bicultural Studies Dual Track Programme student, he enjoys chronic sleep deprivation that results from his endless commitments. On the rare occasion that he’s free, he enjoys doom scrolling on social media, listening to English pop music and watching Netflix shows. He looks forward to seeing delegates engage in lively debate, and hopes that they will enjoy their time in HCMAS.


Alfredo Alexius

Alfredo is a Year 4 student from Hwa Chong Institution with a deep passion for economics and music. Alfredo expresses deep passion in exploring more fields outside of the school syllabus while finding ways to do minimal school work for maximum returns. Alfredo also values maximising time for the most returns. Furthermore, Alfredo writes songs and involves himself in many musical events to learn, socialise and improve himself. He also can play most pop songs by ear or learn it on the spot. Alfredo looks forward to seeing the long lasting friendships forged in HCMAS.


Ng Toh Lok, Peter Paul

As a Year 3 student from the Science Math Talent Programme with a weird obsession with History and Social studies, Peter expresses interest in taking on extra commitments such as HCMAS, despite his lacking English scores and multiple unsubmitted assignments. In his free time, he enjoys learning about fallacies and different courses of an argument, not from books from the library but from the uneducated comment section of a TikTok video. He hopes to have an enriching experience in AMME, and has full confidence in the delegates to provide that.

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