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Isaac Toh Kang Lei

Often found rushing his 20 undone Physics assignments, Isaac, a Year 3 Chinese Language Elective Programme student, enjoys life's simplest pleasures: stressfully racing on Mario Kart 8 and casually singing in full-blown falsetto (sorry, choir friends). Apart from MUNs, Crises, and UNSCs, Isaac can also be commonly seen spraining and twisting his ankles trying to learn how to dance “Kemusan”, but yielding no success. Ultimately, while not trying and failing rapidly to get a full combo on some of the easiest songs in multiple rhythm games, he likes to do what he loves most— cycling any distance until his heart’s content. Resonating with his dais, Isaac sends this message to all delegates: Economics encompasses eclecticism!


Guo Zijia

While Zijia, a Year 3 Humanities Programme student, isn’t plane spotting at Changi or on FlightRadar24, he can be seen binge-watching Formula 1. With the tiny fragments of free time he has left, Zijia also enjoys some casual doodling – competitive doodling doesn’t suit him well, alongside his all-too-many side hustles. As Ferrari fans (including Zijia) may say, “Next year is our year.” Zijia also wishes to tell delegates, "Next MUN is your MUN”. He looks forward to meeting everyone and wishes them a fun and crazy time at the AEC. Economics encompasses eclecticism!


Hu Anbo

Anbo is a Year 3 Bicultural Studies Programme student who’s relatively new to MUNs but is no stranger to debating. When he’s not hurriedly completing schoolwork or attending air rifle practice, he usually reads Wikipedia articles on history and politics. In his free time, he enjoys watching shows like Breaking Bad and playing Genshin Impact and Hearts of Iron IV. He looks forward to seeing delegates engage in fruitful discussions and hopes to meet new friends. Lastly, Anbo reminds delegates this: Economics encompasses eclecticism!


Jack Lee Brier

Jack, a Year 2 iSpark student, finds solace in playing American football (the real football), his favourite sport, outside or grinding Madden 24 when it rains. An avid softball player, he can often be spotted obliterating pitches out of existence with his bat. At the same time, he loves to blast music through his earbuds on the way home from school. Jack’s favourite sports team is the Minnesota Vikings, which brings him pain and anguish on game day every week. Lastly, Jack would like to conclude with a message to all delegates: Economics encompasses eclecticism!

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